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Extensive Epidemiological Database for Patient Populations

The Epiomic™ Database is an online, evidence-based source for patient populations in over 230 disease areas across 27 countries. Going beyond basic prevalence or incidence, patient populations can be segmented according to clinical parameters, co-morbid conditions, biomarkers and more, to provide an unprecedented level of depth. By providing detailed segmentation, these refined populations provide the fundamental building blocks for more accurate and robust asset valuations and forecasts.

The methodology combines analyst expertise, thorough search algorithms, strict source evaluation and both internal and external validation, resulting in a strong and defendable analysis of the epidemiology. This methodology has stood up to scrutiny from regulatory bodies such as the FDA and EMA.

Each disease area on the database is unique, therefore disease specific sources and methodologies are outlined in full. Should there be any questions, live analyst support is available.

Creating value for your business
The Epiomic Patient Segmentation ™ Database is a constantly evolving repository for over 200 diseases across in at least 27 major markets.
  • Data you can trust
    Our robust methodology has withstood scrutiny from investors and regulatory bodies.
  • Extensive coverage
    Covering over 200 diseases with 9,500+ sub-populations in 27 major global markets.
  • Transparent
    For each disease area the disease specific methodology is outlined, and all sources used in the analysis are displayed in full.
  • Annual Updates
    Disease areas are reviewed and updated annually to ensure the most up to date research is being used.
  • Flexibility
    Segment disease populations by clinical characteristics, co-morbidities, biomarkers and more. Populations can also be viewed as absolute numbers, percentage or rates.
  • Downloadable
    Download populations straight into Excel, including all countries and criteria selected.
  • Reports
    Providing a comprehensive disease overview including detailed analyst insights.
  • Custom Requests
    Able to quickly produce fully sourced, high-quality, bespoke patient populations.
Epiomic ™ delivers a unique epidemiological solution to make business decisions clear.
Patient Population
What is the potential population size for my product?
The Epiomic database provides prevalence and incidence data for over 200 diseases across 27 global markets meaning that we will most likely cover the patient segment that you specifically need.
What segmentation is available for my disease of interest?
Diseases are segmented by co-morbidities, biomarkers and clinical characteristics such as severity. All diseases and segments can be segmented further by 5-year age cohort and gender.
How have these patient populations been generated?
Each disease area utilises a multitude of relevant and high-quality sources to build robust patient populations. All populations are validated using internal and external sources.
Data uses
What has this data been used for?
Data from Epiomic has been used in forecasts, asset valuations, budget impact models and EMA and FDA submissions where it has withstood scrutiny.
How do I access this data?
Data can be accessed via subscriptions to the database (universal, category or disease specific), reports, custom built data tables or framework agreements.
Can I access specific reports for a disease of interest?
Reports are available on the online store. These provide a detailed description of the disease area and methodology, as well as data tables for all countries and patient segments.
Custom Requests
What if I need data that isn’t on the database?
New disease areas or further segmentation can be built on an ad-hoc basis. Contact us to ask for a feasibility assessment.
Forecast Period
How far can I forecast disease populations?
Disease populations from the year 1980 to 2100 are available for all disease segments.
  • Free Brochure
    Epiomic(™) Brochure
    Learn More About Our Extensive Epidemiological Database
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    Epiomic (™) White Paper
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